North Cyprus

Turkish Republic of North Cyprus

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is situated in the northern part of the island of Cyprus, which is one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea and holds immense historical and cultural richness. The island's history took a significant turn in 1973 when Turkey intervened, occupying a third of the island. The rationale behind the intervention was to protect the Turkish community from what Turkey perceived as an attempt by Greece to control the entire island. This intervention led to the division of Cyprus into two parts: the northern part, referred to as Turkish Cyprus or the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and the southern part, commonly known as the Republic of Cyprus. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is predominantly inhabited by people of Turkish origin. While this region operates as an independent state, its sovereignty is not internationally recognized by any country or international institution, except for Turkey. The administration of foreign relations for the Republic of Northern Cyprus is conducted with the mediation of Turkey. Moreover, its economy is closely tied to the Turkish economy, and the official currency used is the Turkish lira. The political and economic dynamics in this region are influenced by its unique status in the context of the broader Cyprus issue.

Currency used in Northern Cyprus:

the official currency is the Turkish Lira (TRY). This region is not internationally recognized as an independent state, except by Turkey. Therefore, the Turkish Lira is the primary currency used in daily transactions and official dealings in Northern Cyprus.

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Advantages of pursuing education in Northern Cyprus:

  • Studying in Cyprus provides excellent opportunities in multilateral government agencies for subscriptions.
  • Universities in Cyprus are internationally recognized, often engaging in formal agreements to offer joint degrees with universities worldwide.
  • Cyprus offers a wide range of high-quality academic programs in a comfortable and stimulating study environment.
  • Many universities in Cyprus employ a significant number of foreign professors with experience from international academic institutions.
  • Students benefit from flexible payment options and reasonable discounts, with potential discounts of up to 100% on tuition fees.
  • The cost of living and accommodation in Cyprus is comparatively low, providing a cost-effective option for students compared to other European countries.
  • Cyprus's geographical location, warm climate, and reputation for safety create a comfortable environment for both students and staff.
  • On-campus sports facilities are readily available, promoting a healthy lifestyle for students.

Documents required for admission

  • Must be certified by the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The name on the transcript should match the name in the passport letter by letter.
  • Provide a clear copy of the passport (Bio information page)
  • Six recent personal photos.

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